Small indie studio Infinite Madaa has revealed to Kotaku that it added “easy” trophies to its PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita game, Little Adventure on the Prairie, to increase sales and help the developer in raising funds for a more ambitious project.
Little Adventure on the Prairie is a simple, short platformer that released this past February and got very little reviews, majority of which panned the game. However, the easy trophies (which include a Platinum) did boost sales and the studio did manage to raise the funds it required. Cross-buy certainly helped.
Infinite Madaa initially set out to make turn-based RPG called Chromia but ran into financial issues that prompted the move. “Everything was going great until we had some money issues,” said developer Salem Al-Ghanim. “Then a friend of mine suggested to release the game on PS4 and Vita and add an easy Platinum to it with a cheap price. This way a lot of people buy it and we would get the funding we need for our next game.”
Kotaku points towards a recent report published by trophy data tracking site, TrueTrophies, which found that games with easy trophies were helping to keep the Vita alive. “The top seven of ten games of 2018 in terms of player count are all games that have been highlighted here and elsewhere as particularly easy and quick trophy lists,” the site wrote.
We’d love to hear what our readers think of this so share your thoughts with us below.
[Source: Kotaku]
Keri Honea
I'm at 92% completion with inFamous: Second Son. I'm missing a couple of random combat trophies, but I've never bothered to get them, because the big one I'm missing that I know I won't get is the Silver trophy for finishing the game on Expert Difficulty.
The game that aggravates me the most about not having the Platinum is The LEGO Ninjago Movie Videogame. A glitch is all that is keeping me from getting the last couple of trophies. I've heard the game has been patched, which might fix my issue, but the game was not fun enough to bother going back to, even for a Platinum.
John Abrena
These 3 still bug me to this very day:
1. (Vanilla) God Eater 2 for the Vita - "Unleashed from Abyss" Hunt Magatsu Kyuubi
Reason: I lost my first Vita, together with this game.
2. Freedom Wars for the Vita - "Volunteer of the Year" Successfully complete every discretionary operation, and "Dionaea Slayer" Defeat a Dionaea-class Abductor while playing offline without falling once in battle.
Reason: Someone borrowed this game from me, then I lost my first Vita.
3. Persona 4 Golden - "Thorough Bookkeeper" Complete the Persona Compendium, "Legend of Inaba" Max out all social links, "Big Bro is Worried" Visit Nanako in the Hospital a total of 3 times
Reason: I actually needed just 1 more,Thorough Bookkeeper. I just didn't sync the data before, well, I lost my first Vita.
I am sad.
Louis Edwards
Resistance 2 will always be sitting at 90% for me. I had a hard enough time killing people online, so reaching 10,000 kills was just too many for me. It's the only trophy I needed for Platinum and since the servers are shut down, it is now unattainable.
Cameron Teague
For me, it is Sims 3 on PS3. I own 48 of 51 trophies and just never got around to grinding the other two. Missing out on growing a prefect plant and completing 1000 wishes. I would go back to complete, but would need to buy a PS3 and the game.
Anthony Nash
Mine is Submerged (a really underrated game, by the way). I’m only missing two trophies, but just never got around to exploring enough to find all the secrets and boat boosts in the game.
Zarmena Khan
I'm one of those people who struggles to replay games they've already beaten just to fulfil a trophy condition, especially if it requires doing a speedrun or something. As a result, I am only a couple trophies short of Platinum in Dishonored: Death of the Outsider and Uncharted: The Lost Legacy.
Then, there's Titanfall 2. I already beat the game on regular but must beat it on Master difficulty (which is above Hard) for a trophy. I probably would have attempted it if it wasn't held back by this rare time-challenge trophy that has taken even professional guide writers many, many attempts to unlock. Ain't nobody got time for that.
Chandler Wood
With so many trophies in my collection, there are a number of "almost Platinums" that haunt me. For Broken Age, I just need to speedrun it in under an hour. For Rogue Legacy, I just need to beat it in less than five lives. The two that bother me the most, however, are Vanquish and Grand Theft Auto IV. In Vanquish, I just need to complete the tactical challenges, and in Grand Theft Auto IV, I was turned off by the exceptionally long grind to max rank in multiplayer. I did everything else, but those last trophies tripped me up on my journey to Platinum.
Cody Gravelle
Oh, I have one that happened recently that made me super sad.
I bought FFIX for PS4, and made it a goal to Platinum it as a treat to myself. I made it all the way through the game before realizing I had missed one of Stiltzkin's items at some point during the playthrough, which meant I couldn't complete the trophy related to him. After so many hours already being spent on a game I'd already played many times, and a growing backlog of more current titles, I've had to make peace with the fact I'm never getting that Platinum after all.
The post Indie Studio Says Adding Easy Trophies Helped to Sell Its Game and Raise Funds for Future Project appeared first on PlayStation LifeStyle.
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