Senin, 23 Juli 2018

No Man’s Sky’s Sean Murray Releases Community Statement


no mans sky statement

Sean Murray, founder of No Man’s Sky developer Hello Games, has released a statement, shortly after breaking a long silence since the controversial launch of No Man’s Sky. This message not only speaks to some of the problems of the messaging leading up to launch, but also recaps future plans for the game, well beyond the upcoming NEXT update.

Murray opens the statement speaking to said launch, noting what he perceives as personal mistakes, and giving lip service to a lack of communication leading to the major changes to No Man’s Sky that followed launch. But he also speaks to the game’s growth since then, particularity after the Atlas Rises content released.

Here, Murray drops some cool stats. He states that Atlas Rises players logged an average of 45 hours, and 90% of players gave it positive ratings. 20% played for over 100 hours, and 5% went over 1000. Combined, a total of 200 million hours of No Man’s Sky have been played. But this message isn’t just about stats. It’s about what’s next.

Murray continues by reconfirming that after NEXT, No Man’s Sky will see its “first season” of weekly content, including community events. This of course follows multiplayer being introduced in NEXT, and it will all be free.

To bolster the community content, Hello Games has launched a new website called Galactic Atlas. At the moment the site shows places in the Euclid Galaxy, as presented by the community in an earlier-released survey. The site’s functionality is planned to expand over time. The survey will also remain open until NEXT launches.

An image of the No Man’s Sky roadmap is included, which conspicuously leaves space on the side for more announcements to come. Murray concludes the statement with a “thank you” for the folks who have played and enjoyed No Man’s Sky to this point.

[Source: No Man’s Sky official website]


The post No Man’s Sky’s Sean Murray Releases Community Statement appeared first on PlayStation LifeStyle.

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